
Find out a product’s customs and regulatory compliance requirements and calculate import duties…

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Alican Koçak

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Alican Koçak

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Alican Koçak

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Alican Koçak

“Praesent sapien massa, convallis a pellentesque nec, egestas non nisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus.”

Alican Koçak

“Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta. Nulla porttitor accumsan.”

Alican Koçak

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Alican Koçak

Get Answer in Our FAQ

Every country has their own tariff schedules. Tariff schedules are designed based on HS Codes. Although the first 6 digits of of the HS Code is standard globally, countries use additional digits to define sub categories of a commodity and implement their own international trade measures. It is the responsibility of the trader or their customs agent to declare correct and accurate HS Code, pay their customs duties and meet other trade compliance requirements in accordance with the country’s tariff schedule and relevant customs regimes. Because these additional HS Code digits vary and because item descriptions are not enough in some cases, it is required to have a “Ledger” for a trader to define duty types, their rates and other trade compliance measures per traded product. ªGSW’s Ledger component is designed to solve this particular problem and keeps a ledger for a trader either on PlatOff™ or on PlatOn™. Ledger™ automatically receives daily updates from Tariff™ component and flags if any change is required for a product. Once the change is approved by the trader or their customs agent the data is fixed and used for declarations, created and filed by Declarant™.

In short the answer is “no”. You can opt to manage your ledger bu yourself. However it is a common practice for economic operators to delegate customs brokers or freight forwarder companies to file declarations on behalf of them. Customs representation has two types: a) Direct Representation and b) Indirect Representation. Direct representation brings no additional liabilities to representatives while indirect representation makes the declarant equally liable against law. Why do companies choose to be represented instead has various answers. Main reason is the level of expertise and experience. Filing customs declarations is a serious legal procedure with numerous consequences, namely penalties and failing audits. Therefore it is strongly recommended to delegate a customs agent to keep your ledger intact and file your declarations on behalf of you. When you have a customs agent you are already using or want to delegate one we will help you to make sure your agent understands how to use Tariff-Ledger-Declarant components. You can read more about pros and cons of delegating a customs agent on our knowledge base article by Dr. Kenan GULER

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